Category: Blog

Conference Programme

Wednesday, September 7th11.30 Registration & Lunch 12:30 Introductions and Welcome from Meryl Halls (Booksellers Association) 13.00 Panel 1 Bookshop Histories Kristen Highland: The Monumental Bookstore Maria Vassilopolous: The light and dark of the book trade — Christina Foyle and her bookselling...

BRN event: History of Bookselling – 18th March 2022

In this first themed event, the BRN explored the history of bookselling, beginning with two fifteen minute presentations. The first was from Dr Will Smith who is a practising bookseller at Sam Read Booksellers in the Lake District, followed by Professor...

Notes from BRN Annual Meeting 2022

Participants: Samantha Rayner (SR); Eben Muse (EM); Meryl Halls (MH); Noel Murphy (NM); Rachel Calder (RC); Matthew Chambers (MC); Simon Eliot (SE); Audrey Laing (AE); Andrew Kamei-Dyche (AKD); Eleanor Shevlin (ES); Joe Cain (JC); Louise O’Hare (LOH); Simon Frost (SF); Will...

Indies in Scotland

I set out to explore the role of Indies in Scotland, focusing particularly on bookshops that are geographically remote. I was interested in business practices, especially the innovative and the entrepreneurial, as well as the challenges indie bookshops regularly have to face. I also explored the role these bookshops have in their local communities – the kind of extra, add-on qualities that are so difficult to represent on a spreadsheet.

La Librería ¿un comercio esencial?

Lección Inaugural de la Maestría en Estudios Editoriales (tercera cohorte) A cargo de: Jean Yves Mollier Doctor en Literatura Francesa y en Letras y Ciencias Humanas por la Universidad de París I Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad de Lausana Profesor...