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Pôle Métiers du livre IUT de Saint Cloud Université Paris - Nanterre
Nina Stavisky has been working in the book trade for over 20 years, as a bookseller, trainer, teacher, in the technical field and in booksellers' associations. She is the general delegate of ALIRE, an association working on technique and technology in bookshops, and is also an associate lecturer at the University of Paris Nanterre. ALIRE was founded in 1989, and represents independent booksellers, chains and pure-players (including Amazon, supermarkets...) in the French book trade. We only work on the technical aspects. The bulk of our work is to gather booksellers' needs in order to develop the distribution chain, so as to streamline computer exchanges and enable booksellers to spend as little time as possible in front of their computers, and as much time as possible with their customers. For example, we have set up computerized orders, computerized delivery notes, automated claims, and are working on dematerialized invoices... The bookshop's entire logistics and financial chain can thus be managed easily and automatically. We don't develop the tools ourselves, but support service providers in their development, so that they can adapt to their customers' needs. We also advise bookshops and booksellers' associations on online sales, digital books, management software... and in general, anything involving a computer. Finally, of course, we have a role to play in representing booksellers' technical needs, possibilities and impossibilities to institutions.
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