Author: Hugo Quinta

PhD Student in Book History at the University of São Paulo (USP), Doctorate (2021) in History at the Paulista State University (UNESP), Master (2017) in Latin American Studies at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA) and studied post-graduation in Writing Arts (specialization in literary studies, 2013) at the Nova University Lisbon, in Portugal. He holds a full degree (2020) in History from the Maringá University Center and a bachelor’s degree in Law (2010) from the University of Vale do Itajaí, with one year of graduation from the La Rioja University, in Spain, when he completed his degree receiving the University Merit Award. He was editor of Faces da História magazine in 2019 and is currently part of the following Research Groups: “Bookselling Research Network”, “Book History, Editing and Reading Practices in Brazil (19th and 20th centuries)”, “Social thinking and intellectual and aesthetic practices in Latin America” and “MEMENTO – Biographical Space and History of Historiography”. He is the author of A Trajetória de um Libertário: Pietro Gori na América do Sul (1898-1902) – The Trajectory of an Anarchist: Pietro Gori in South America (1898-1902), published by EdUnila in 2018.
Interior of Livraria Duas Cidades

Santa Cruz and the Livraria Duas Cidades

Livraria Duas Cidades was the bookstore and publisher for São Paulo's intelligentsia. Founded in the middle of the last century with the encouragement of the Dominican Order, and under the leadership of a Dominican priest who left religious life in the 1970s to devote himself only to the world of books, Livraria Duas Cidades took root in the urban and socio-cultural space of the city of São Paulo between 1954 and 2006.