RISE Industry Insights research paper Culture Vouchers

 Industry Insights: Culture Vouchers (cover image)RISE Bookselling (Resilience, Innovation and Sustainability for the Enhancement of Bookselling) have now published the second volume of their Industry Insights series, which examines state-funded cultural voucher schemes currently in place in four different countries across Europe—France, Germany, Italy and Spain. The schemes are launched with the aim of introducing teenagers and young adults to their country’s unique and rich cultural scene, while also supporting cultural and creative industries in the process. You can download a free copy here: https://bit.ly/RISE2023-2.

In the paper, the four countries mentioned above are spotlighted and analysed as case studies through the explanation of each model’s key features, as well as the benefits and positive impact this scheme has had on the book sector.

What is RISE Industry Insights?

RISE Industry insights is a series of research papers that look into priority topics for the bookselling sector. They give insights into key issues, policy reforms and external initiatives that affect the bookselling sector. In addition, they provide network members with tools to engage with relevant political stakeholders, culture sector professionals and private sector representatives to ensure that their priorities are adequately upheld and supported.

More to come

The RISE Industry Insights on culture vouchers is the second of four volumes to be published in 2023. The first RISE Industry Insights on Returns, presented at the 2023 London Book Fair last April, shed a light on this topic by presenting seven case studies, helping to understand the different book returns systems across Europe, their inefficiencies and environmental impact as well as any best practices moving forward. The RISE Industry Insights on returns is also available to download here: https://bit.ly/RISE2023-1.

EIBF and Creative Europe

The RISE Bookselling conference is organised by the European and International Booksellers Federation (EIBF) and represents one of the milestones activities included in the RISE Bookselling network project. The latter is a three-year EU co-funded project aiming to upscale, reinforce and maximise the capacity and resilience of the European bookselling sector.

About EIBF: EIBF is a non-commercial European and international umbrella organisation representing national booksellers associations and booksellers around the world. Through its member associations, EIBF speaks on behalf of more than 25,000 individual booksellers. 

About Creative Europe: The Creative Europe is an EU programme that supports a wide range of cultural and creative sectors, as well as encouraging cooperation and exchanges among cultural organisations and artists within Europe and beyond.   

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