Tag: bookstore

Cover of A Bookshop of One's Own by Jance Cholmeley

In-Conversation with Jane Cholmeley

In 1982, in the midst of Thatcherite-Britain, Jane Cholmeley, Sue Butterworth and Jane Anger decided they needed to open a feminist bookshop in London. The result was the Silver Moon Bookshop. For seventeen years, the Silver Moon survived commercially, selling books...
Sam Read Booksellers front of store

History of Bookselling

The BRN's first themed event featured presentations from Dr. Will Smith and Professor Simon Eliot. Dr. Smith discussed the multi-generational history of Sam Read Booksellers, emphasizing oral histories and archival research. Professor Eliot highlighted the value of "unwitting testimony" in archives, using examples like public library catalogues and publisher correspondence to reveal hidden insights.
Simon Mahony

Booksellers and Bookstores in Mainland China: the Age of Common Prosperity

This talk explores the significance of books in Chinese society and their role in achieving common prosperity. It provides new insights into the relationship between government policies and the growth of physical bookstores in China. Simon Mahony discusses how official publications and government plans highlight the importance of literacy and culture.
Reviving the High Street: Booksellers Call to Action

Reviving the High Street report

Earlier this week, RISE Bookselling unveiled the campaign on 'Reviving the high street: Booksellers Call to Action', in response to the increasing challenges that booksellers and retailers working across European town centres and high streets are facing.