RISE: Indistry Insights: Bookshops and Accessibility
Providing an overview of the current legislative framework and upcoming requirements for the book industry. The report is available here: Industry Insights – RISE Bookselling
RISE Study on Consumer Behaviour – Book-Buying Trends, Reading Habits & Customer Needs
RISE present the study “Consumer Behaviour – Book-Buying Trends, Reading Habits & Customer Needs”, produced through the European & International Booksellers Federation’s EU co-funded project, RISE Bookselling. By examining consumer behaviour in book-buying and reading habits, RISE aim to equip booksellers with...
RISE Insights: Bookshops, censorship and freedom of expression
The European and International Booksellers Federation (EIBF) have published their 5th RISE Industry research paper: Bookshops, censorship and Freedom of Expression. This Industry Insight reports on the impact that censorship and attempts to limit free speech through legislative action by local...
New BA Report on Cultural Value of Indies in England
The Booksellers Association has released a report on The Cultural Role and Value of England’s Independent Bookshops. It found that Indie bookshops have adapted creatively to challenges like online competition, urban decline, and the pandemic, fostering local culture through events and...
Bookshops are bucking the high street trend. There are lots of reasons why
Samantha Rayner, Professor of Publishing and Book Cultures at UCL and co-Director of the Bookselling Research Network, has published a piece in The Conversation on how bookshops are “bucking the high street trend”. Read the full story on the link below.
Champions of Literature by @GeorgethePoet
Written and performed exclusively for #IndieBookshopWeek “Champions of Literature” by @GeorgethePoet Filmed at New Beacon Books: https://www.newbeaconbooks.com/ Independent Bookshop Week takes place 15 – 22 June 2024. Find out more about the campaign: https://booksaremybag.com / booksaremybag https://x.com/booksaremybag / booksaremybag
Reviving the High Street report
Earlier this week, RISE Bookselling unveiled the campaign on 'Reviving the high street: Booksellers Call to Action', in response to the increasing challenges that booksellers and retailers working across European town centres and high streets are facing.
RISE Industry Insights research paper Culture Vouchers
RISE Bookselling (Resilience, Innovation and Sustainability for the Enhancement of Bookselling) have now published the second volume of their Industry Insights series, which examines state-funded cultural voucher schemes currently in place in four different countries across Europe—France, Germany, Italy and Spain. The schemes are launched with the aim of introducing teenagers and young adults to their country’s unique and rich cultural scene, while also supporting cultural and creative industries in the process. You can download a free copy here: https://bit.ly/RISE2023-2.
Geraldine Cox at Kirkdale Bookshop
As part of their series exploring what contributes to the enduring success of established booksellers, Kate Gunning, Acting Membership Manager for the BA, talks to Geraldine Cox, owner-manager of Kirkdale Bookshop in Sydenham, London. [This interview previously appeared in the December...